Sabtu, 17 November 2012


this is our freak time! 
thankyou for visited.
keep enjoyed to see ya~ much love. xxx


Cinta dan Kimia?

aku bertemu denganmu saat pandangan pertama 
saat bertemu,
atom pada hatiku tiba-tiba membentuk serangkai molekul, secara perlahan
molekul apa? benarkah ada molekul cinta? 
jika benar,mengapa semuanya harus bereaksi hingga membentuk rasa cinta?
dan mengapa hasil reaksi itu harus menyatukan hatiku dan hatimu?
benarkah ini jalan Tuhan? benarkah ini cara Tuhan untuk memperkenalkan atom cinta pada hati kita?
well~ ikuti saja hasil eksperimen yang dilakukakan 

seakan semuanya karena takdir Tuhan,
produk pada hatiku bercampur menjadi sebuah campuran homogen 
awalnya aku mengira kita tidak akan bisa dipisahkan ,meskipun dengan cara filtrasi 
mengapa? mungkin karena aku merasa kation pada hatiku telah melebur bersama dengan anion pada hatimu
kau bagaikan konduktor~
konduktor yang sangat kuat menghantarkan listrik cintaku 
dan kau juga bagaikan natrium clorida 
yang menciptakan rasa pada hatiku 
kau memberikan reaksi eksotermik pada semangatku 
tapi, kau tidak memberikan reaksi endotermik saat ku sedih ;')
jika kau menambahkan katalisator pada elemen cintamu,
haruskah aku menambahkan rasa pada cintaku?

disaat bumi terjebak oleh gas CFC
kau menjebakku secara perlahan kedalam cintamu 
dan disaat gas CFC memberikan efek pada rumah kaca 
akankah cintaku menyebabkan efek cinta mati? kupikir tidak~
itu berlebihan
dan jika kau pikir cintaku takkan mati,
menyesalnya kamu....
karena dengan caramu membasmiku melalui DDT dan BHC,
semuanya akan hilang~ 

haru ye? atau mungkin ngga jelas?
sorry guys, this just for share what i feel now. 
thankyou for visited! much love. x

Jumat, 16 November 2012

Mathematics or Love?


I think, therefore I am. 
Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.
With me everything turns into mathematics.
It's not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well.
the two operations of our understanding, intuition and deduction, on which alone we have said we must rely in the acquisition of knowledge.
In order to seek truth it is necessary once in the course of our life to doubt as far as possible all things.
Give me extension and motion and I will construct the universe.
There have been only Mathematicians who were able to find some proofs, that is to say some sure and certain reasons.
Take what you need
act as you must, and you will obtain that for which you wish!
Only having one truth about each object, whoever finds it knows as much as can known about it

sorry gulz for that awkward title-_- much love!xxx

Kamis, 15 November 2012

A Welcome Greeting

Hi fellas ~
            Welcome to my blog! ya this blog maybe little bit clean, cause this my first blog
I make this until 3 times, huft-_- and i'm so big thanks to my bestfriend
ANGGUN APRILIA SANI. She's help me to finished this fuckin' silly blog, so kind? isn't she?
Actually i was too lazy to create this post, and i dont know which shit i want to talk about now
so where i must start ?
my complete name was Pragita Putri Ayu
in last october, i was 17th
my bestie called me iput, such awkward, isn't it? -,-
okay, let's not talk about that absurd name
actually i'm a girl with high loyality in friendship
even i'm not lucky in my love line :)
but i was so greatfull and thankfull for my friendship story
cause i've them.
i think that's all, what a sore welcome greeting may be -_-
but i dont care lah~
BYE! xoxo :*